【TED Talks #10】How sleep can improve your immunity

 TED.2020 Aug、Sleep scientistであるMatt Walker(マット・ウォーカー)氏のTed.talkから。

there's a very intimate association between our sleep health and our immune health.

 We know that individuals reporting less than seven hours of sleep a night are almost three times more likely to become infected by the rhinovirus, otherwise known as the common cold.


 また、つまり インフルエンザの予防接種を受ける週や直前の数日間に十分な睡眠を取っていないと、

 What this tells us, and now what we're starting to learn, is that it's during sleep at night, including deep non-REM sleep,
when we actually restock the weaponry within our immune arsenal.



睡眠が、 免疫力をアップに欠かせない!



▼過去のおススメTed.talk 一覧はこちらから↓

▼【TED Talks #1】”How to raise successful kids without over parenting”

▼【TED Talks #2】“10 ways to have a better conversation” 

▼ 【TED Talks #3】“Ted’s secret to great public speaking”

▼【TED Talks #4】“Want to be more creative, go for a walk” 

▼【TED Talks #5】“Nature is everywhere — we just need to learn to see it”

▼【TED Talks #6】“In uncertain times, think like a mother”

▼【TED Talks #7】3 secrets of resilient people

▼【TED Talks #8】How to gain control of your free time

▼【TED Talks #9】Remember to say thank you


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